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A little History about Robert W. Zaher and VFW Post 2485...

Bob's photo.jpg

Commander Robert "Bob" Zaher assumed command of the VFW Post 2485 on 15 June 1991. The day after the Mt. Pinatubo eruption Commander Zaher hired some friends from his compound and they went to the Post and shoveled off the ash from the roof.

As the base was closing, Commander Zaher was working for MWR and was the Base Athletic Director, he received a call from Colonel Stevenson, then Senior Vice of the 3rd Combat Support Group, requesting the Post continue to maintain the American flag at the base cemetery or the Philippine Air Force would remove it.
Bob replied 'The Post will maintain the flag with pride".


On the last day the U.S. Air Force held a base closing ceremony, Bob went to the base mortician and requested all cemetery records and American flags for safekeeping. A year later he turned over the cemetery records to the assistant superintendent William Call at the American cemetery in Manila.


At the 1993 Department convention held at the Oasis Hotel in Angeles City, Bob was elected as the first District VII Philippines Commander. Three months later he was offered a position as the golf course superintendent  at Osan Air Base, Korea. The course had previously failed their inspection and numerous problems remained. Bob's previous experience as a golf course superintendent at Clark Air base helped him identify the problems and under his guidance they were corrected within one year.


Bob then resigned from that position and returned to the Philippines to support Post 2485, District VII, and the Department of Pacific Areas.




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